Although I’m sure it was written in jest, Courtney’s comment got me thinking about what it must be like to live in a blogger’s inner circle. Do my family and friends live in fear that it’s just a matter of time until I spill the beans on them?
And what about my boyfriend? I mean, what kind of balls does it take to be with someone who wrote a book entitled Bastard Husband: A Love Story? Does he shower me with affection and gifts because he loves me or to ensure against a poison pen?

Bloggers, have you ever gotten in trouble from something you wrote? Did you apologize or did you say, “Hey, if you weren’t such an a-hole, I wouldn’t have to write that stuff”?
Beloved boyfriend, are you the saint I believe you to be, or do you have your own "Lindalicious Exposed" blog out there that I’m just not aware of? God knows I give you enough material.
LOVE this post! I just saw a pillow that had the same sentiment as the t-shirt. I told my son it would be a great gift for me. My husband and I are songwriters and have written revealing songs to each other over the years. To my knowledge, I haven't offended anyone via my blog (yet), however, I wouldn't be surprised if my family and friends are monitoring what they say to me these day; that is, if they're half as smart as I think they are. *wink-*wink!
BTW: I'd love the link to "Lindalicious Exposed" - it sounds like it would be a good read while I sip a cosmo. ;-)
Of all the things for her to be upset about! At least you refrained from talking about boobs.
Oh, Courtney is a riot. For the record, most of us here have no idea what The Deb is except that it's a store that obviously sells great threads!
I've gotta say, the people around us should feel lucky that we're not spilling ALL the beans. Really, with the people we know and the things we regularly see, we have material for years...but we use our discretion and manage NOT to tell all!
If it makes her feel better, I don't even know what "The Deb" is. BTW I thought she looked gorgeous!
No, Laura, I don’t think my hippie girl was truly offended by my disclosure of where her dress came from; like her mother, she has a flair for the dramatic.
And one of the many beautiful things about Courtney is that she can laugh at herself and doesn’t take herself too seriously. Any airheadedness, I can guarantee, comes from me—poor kid can’t help the gene pool she was born into.
My parents are constantly telling me I blog too openly. My roommate is always telling me I need to be careful about blogging about work stuff and he's right about that. Some of my friends like it when I blog about them, but they definitely wouldn't like it if I shared really intimate things about them. It's a fine line we have to walk. I like to write openly, but I have to be careful not to offend anyone. ya know? I wish I would have never told my parents about my blog.
Well, if anybody has written anythign scathing about me, I haven't seen it. Nor have I really said anything "bad" about anyone on mine, at least not that I wouldn't have said to their faces! I have said a few critical things about my ex (and if he ever finds my blog and reads them, all hell will break loose!), oh and I probably pissed Vinnie off today if he still reads me.
My sister bitches that I put too much out there (especially after I made the local paper because of it!) but I just ignore her. She's just jealous that she doesn't get mentioned very often.
Add me to the list of people who have never heard of The Deb.
Your blog is open but fun. I think its cool that your family and friends read it - mine have no interest at all so they have no idea what I say about them :)
But my personal policy is this "Never write anything on my blog that I don't want to share with the entire world - and never say something about someone that I would not say to their face". So far so good!
How does the ex feel about being labeled a "Bastard Husband?" This might become a sensitive issue if the book becomes successful.
How would you feel if he wrote a book about you titled,"Bitch Wife: A Love Story?"
- Cory
Okay, Laura... I can tell from my StatCounter that you were the only person to hit my blog within a half hour of that comment. Do you really want to leave messages like that?
Um, or should I say, "Cory"?
I have thought about it a lot too, my blogging and the things I reveal. It seems so safe to me but I could see where my friends and family may not think so.
But hey, i don't write anything that is not true or that I would not have said to their face.
Good to know, Laura. I've been thinking you were schizo!
I don't let family and friends read my blog. Sometimes I would like to have another blog that just bitches about people who annoy me. But, knowing my luck, they would trace it back to me and I would lose all of my three friends.
If I wrote a book, then, people may assume it is them I am referring to in the contents. Which it would be of course. One day, one day - watch out. I will write about it all.
YOU KNOW I blog about everything. I just don't feel like there is any reason to blog if I can't purge my feelings. If I have to tip toe, there is no reason to post.
No I woudn't take it too far simply because the internet carries this info for years to come and it could bite you in the bum one day. I do have a blog (not public) about my ex simply because its becoming a book. If I was going to do it I would be gutless and go write on some site like Dont Date Him Girl or something equally as childish. No-one gets me upset anymore. After dealing with a sociopath, everyone looks pretty good to me. I am less judgement, show more empathy and more relaxed now. Or I have a really boring life and no-one does anything exciting!! The only person who could get in anyway offended is my daughter but she got used to it and doesn't care now. I am careful because you don't want an opinion to be taken by others as fact. The legal aspect of all this would be interesting too but not well tested on the internet.
Here I go, about to be censored. I really, really want to thank Laura for adding so much color to the blog comments. Laura, if everyone commenting was just like me, (appreciating Lynda for the entertainment and time she she takes to provide it,) wouldn't the comment section be so boring? And really, isn't it hard to go through the day with whatever that is up your @$$? I find myself constantly asking if I am just misreading your tone or if you are really a jilted ex-lover with something against Lynda. If you have a ax to grind just say it honey, don't hold back!
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