Just last Thursday I blogged about how happy I am that my beautiful daughter, Courtney, is so much in love. I don’t know why I decided to write that post; for some reason I was thinking of them and was filled with joy. Then last Sunday afternoon Courtney called me.
Courtney: “Hi, Mom. John and I are getting married next Sunday.”Can’t say anything… a million questions going through my head.
Me: “WHAT? Next Sunday? Like in seven days?”
Courtney: “Yeah, we’re gonna get married in his parents’ living room. We're just having the ceremony, then we’ll have a big party in June.”
Me: “Why Sunday? I mean, Valentine’s Day is Saturday.”Yeah, that’s the question I picked to ask.
Courtney: “But the pancake breakfast is on Sunday.”I should tell you, they live in a quaint little town outside of Albany. That evidently has pancake breakfasts. On Sundays.
Me: “The pancake breakfast?”
Courtney: “In town here. We’re gonna get married and then everyone can go to the pancake breakfast.”
Courtney: “Or maybe we’ll go to the pancake breakfast first and then get married.”
Me: “Um, yes... you could do that.”
Courtney: “And we’re going to Willie Nelson Sunday night. Isn’t that just perfect?”

Thankfully, I found a flight to Albany for only $308 round trip. I leave Vegas on Friday and come back on Monday. All my prayers have been answered lately, so I’d better not push it by asking for a heat wave. Or that nobody gross sits next to me on the plane.
Damn, I just wrote about them last week! Mother’s intuition? I am thrilled.
Here are a couple of new photos I snagged off Courtney’s Facebook. That’s Courtney and John, and my precious grandson, Connor.

Oh, what the hell is all that white stuff?
Hopefully it will be a nice wedding and a nice pancake breakfast!!! Congratulations Courtney - You never fail to surprise!!!
Does this mean Lucky Linda Lou will have some time to spend with her East Coast pals???? Maybe Friday at WT????
Congratulations! I LOVE that wedding idea - so simple, inexpensive, and cute! You raised your daughter well.
I laughed out loud at your white stuff comment. Too funny! Have fun and share pics with your fans!
Sometimes I wish that I could be like Courtney. No fear!!
Wow! Congratulations to your daughter and have fun back in Albany chica!
Linda, congrats to you! Sounds romantic and like they are very much in love. Have a great time.
Congrats!!!! Your daughter sounds like an awesome person. BTW, I agree with your post on Nathan's blog. So true. I think the stigma of self publishing is gone forever. Godspeed!
OMG! How fun is that????? Can't wait to see pics from the big event and pancake breakfast. LOL
Because really - what doesn't say "let's get married" like pancakes and Willie Nelson? How much fun you will have & how wonderfully spontaneous - just like all good adventures should be! I predict no gross seat mates on the plane - travel safely & return with some great material!!
Congrats, enjoy Albany.
[abandoned effort to replicate for Valentine's your daughter's comic brilliance on the timing of MLK Jr. Day -- can't be done]
"Where's Pancakes House?"
-- Gaear Grimsrud, Fargo
Got your email -- 'nother now, then.
Thanks to all for your good wishes! I'm psyched out of my mind!
So much more sensible than wasting a ton of money and time on a huge wedding. My husband Neal and I did something similar, although we gave our parents a few weeks more notice. :)
Congratulations to the bride and groom and to the soon-to-be-mother-of-the-bride! :-)
Aren't you glad that your most important responsibility is to show up?!? I am so happy for you all!
Wow! What more could you ask for? A simple but sounds like fun, wedding to the guy that even da mama loves. That's good. Since your wishes seem to be coming true...can you please wish for a publishing deal for my sister and I?
Be safe and looking forward to the pictures!
Very cool...nice that you can be there too. I heard Erin's Wedding from my speaker phone in my kitchen. I'll be thinking of all of you on Sunday! :)
Congratulations and enjoy the trip, the wedding and the pancake breakfast no matter which order they happen. Every family should have at least one free spirit in it.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Congrats! I am very happy for your daughter. Mother's intuition is very strong...you just KNEW something was up :)
How excting, your daughter sounds a delight. Its just wonderful!!! Aint love grand?
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