Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tonight on Aging Nymphs: Procrastination

Tonight on our Internet radio show, my sister Lori Biker and I will be talking about “Procrastination: Ten Things You Should Know.” Procrastination is a self-sabotaging behavior that keeps us from achieving our goals. About 20 percent of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators—are you one of them? What do you procrastinate about?

Leave a comment here and we’ll discuss it, or call in tonight at 11 p.m. Eastern/8 p.m. Pacific. Just go to and you’ll see the call-in number on the screen. The technology’s been a little unpredictable lately, so if you don’t connect the first time, keep trying.

Talk to you later!

4 comments: said...

The timing couldn't be more perfect. My fiance is a procrastinator. Calls that he's supposed to make, bills he's supposed to pay, clothes that need to be folded, car repairs that need to be done....doesn't get done. I don't want to nag him but that's a huge pet peeve of mine! I like things being done while the opportunity is there.

What's your advice for dealing with a huge procrastinator?

PS---I'll be listening!! Great topic!

Anonymous said...

I am so not a procrastinator! But I believe my BF is. HA!

Caz Wilson said...

I procrastinate all the time, my favourite diversion being randomly surfing on the net and then I get mad because I haven't done the things I wanted to do.

What helped me a bit was some words of advice from good old Tony Robbins who said that procrastination is when you link pain to doing something, hence you don't want to do it. You should try and link pleasure to the thing you're putting off (a lot easier said than done!).

The way I look at it is by thinking "ok how much better/more time will I have if I just do this thing".

Have a fab show tonight!

Hurricane Mikey said...

Can I just call in tomorrow instead?