Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Courtney's "30 Days of Happiness"

Besides in the looks department, my daughter Courtney and I are alike in many ways.  One of the things she inherited from me is my sunny "everything is perfect; the universe unfolds in divine order" outlook, which is my typical M.O.   Except when I'm a crazy bitch.

Anyway, recently Courtney started "30 Days of Happiness" posts on Facebook.  Every day she writes a little something about what makes her happy along with a photo.  This is one of my favorites.
30 Days of Happiness: Day 2

The simplest things can make me so happy. Like, socks! I have about 47 pairs of them. There is nothing like tossing some cold piggies into some wooly socks. Hazel, however, prefers to take her socks off. Usually about two to three times in one hour. I caught this shot just in time!

How freakin' cute is that?  And yes, that's actually the color of Hazel's skin.  Whitest. Baby. Ever.

Courtney's Facebook friends are loving her posts; I look forward to them every day.  In response to her comments, Court recently wrote this:

I decided that for 30 days, I would document the simple little things in life, that are often just looked over. I encourage people to do the same. It truly does make my soul feel better and it makes me appreciate every day, just a little bit more.
I love it!


Tara said...

That's really an awesome thing to do because yeah, we often forget the little things, that could quite possibly mean the most....

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Socks makes me happy too. I'm reading the Happiness Project and like Courtney, I'm learning that it's not necessarily the big things but little things that can make me feel content and happy.

K A B L O O E Y said...

I want to touch that little leg. Great shot, wonderful idea, and most important: great attitude to have. (being a bitch sometimes is necessary; if you were sunny all the time, how could you be trusted?)

Gina D. said...

I am also loving this! I could use some of that sunny attitude. There are definitely days where I forget about the little things that can make me happy, so it's great to see Courtney's reminders.