Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So what would YOU do if you went on a date and the guy sat there playing with his i-Phone?

So last night Mike wanted to take me out to dinner.  Beautiful.  On the way out the door, he says, "What would you do if you went on a date and the guy sat there playing with his i-Phone?"

"Why, I'd take his picture with my i-Phone, post it on my blog, and tell the world what an asshole he is."

A half-hour later... voila!

Don't try to hide, Michael.  We know it's you.

And he wonders why I would totally dump him for Louis CK. :)


Okay, I'll come clean.  When I took this, Mike was actually looking up something we were talking about.  At least he wasn't killing zombies like he sometimes does in bed. OMG, DID I JUST SAY THAT?

Seriously, Mike is awesome.  And lucky that he's extremely good looking...


raydenzel1 said...

at least he warned you!

Gina D. said...

haha, I just wrote on FB that I'd get up and leave. But since you have an iPhone, your plan was much better.

Lori Biker said...

Doesn't he know,,,ALL EYES ON LINDA???

Anonymous said...

Premeditated...that's not good!!!

Julie D said...

Guilty. (hangs head in shame)

My BF is not a technology geek like I am, in fact he refuses to even TEXT (I know!!). I, on the other hand, rarely don't have my iPhone in my hand. I'm really trying to get better at not checking my mail and Facebook and stuff while I'm with him, and limited my texting as well. But it's hard! I carry on entire textual relationships! He's killin me with this!

PS. We still need to Face Time when we're in wireless areas. Are you wireless at Mike's house? If so text me one evening and I'll call you from home and we can video chat!!!! Preferably a night when Michael is at my house so you can "meet" him. :) said...

Wait, both you and Jules have Mikes? Maybe I need to go in search of my next true love being Mike.

Okay...the iPhone is a no no for me. I don't want to have to compete with a phone for the attention.

But, you got him good, Linda!

Fragrant Liar said...

Okay, did you tweet it? Cuz I'm getting good at the tweeting thing now, and I could totally RE-tweet his pic all over the place, and then maybe Mr. Fabulous wouldn't do it next dinner. ;-)

Really though, iPhones are so freakin' addictive!

Mellodee said...

Yeah, yeah....but what do you do if you're already married to the guy??? LOL!

(He just loves new technology....I don't! Hell, I don't even like OLD technology!!! LOL!)

Josie said...

He's a hunk so he can get away with it, this time.

Anonymous said...

...mine hasn't tried that yet. But I do love to look up something when we don't know the answer ! Last time was the name of Gwenyth Paltrow parents!!!

Hurricane Mikey said...

Funny how Tara hasn't responded to this post. She's the WORST--*nothing* is more important than her iPhone.