Sunday, November 14, 2010

This pic made me do a double-take

I keep forgetting to post this pic. 

During our road trip, my daughter Courtney texted me this picture of herself. When I looked at it I thought, holy crap, is that kid looking more and more like me or what?  People always tell us how much we look alike and neither of us see it.  But now I think there may be something to it.


raydenzel1 said...

I agree. Beautiful then, beautiful now! said...

I did a double take too. I thought for sure I was looking at a picture of you. She has beautiful dimples!

gayle said...

She looks just like you....Beautiful!!

I Hate to Weight said...

coulda fooled me. i always loved that i looked like my mom. very cool.

K A B L O O E Y said...

First saw this small on my phone and thought it was you, so, uh, YEAH! There sure is a resemblance. Doesn't she see it in this picture? You guys are both too damn cute.