I think the story is best told in Lori's own words, which she wrote yesterday on the plane back to Albany and emailed to me last night. So once again, I give you my sister, Lori Biker:
Our 20th Anniversary Surprise Celebration
Linda told us she had planned a surprise for us for Tuesday evening for our 20th anniversary. Russ was driving and she just gave him directions from the back seat. We didn’t know where we were going until we got there—the top of the Stratosphere!
The view was spectacular. You can see this place from anywhere in the Las Vegas valley and I always wanted to go there. (If you tell the security people at the bottom that you're going to the lounge, you don’t have to pay the $15 to go to the top!)
As we sat and had beers, Linda positioned herself facing the door. She had a mischievous grin on her face and kept checking her cell phone and then she walked away to talk on it. Shortly afterward, her friend Reverend Janet arrived. Janet performed my mother and stepfather’s Vegas wedding at the Tropicana three years ago. Linda told us she was there to renew our vows, something we had wanted to do but didn’t really get past the initial planning stages as it all seemed too extravagant on the websites.
What Linda arranged was perfect, of course. We didn’t have the “official” Stratosphere wedding package so we had to kinda be sneaky about doing this, which made it even more fun. Plus, who would expect the minister to be wearing jeans and a sparkly Vegas shirt?
We decided to do the renewal ceremony on the inside observation deck since it was quieter and a bit more private. We were overlooking a tremendous view of the Strip, the valley and the mountains.
As Janet spoke about how precious love is and how we have shared that love with our children, family and friends, Russ and I stood there with tears streaming down our faces. Holding onto each other and staring into each other’s eyes, we exchanged our vows again to love, honor, and trust in good times and in bad all the days of our lives.
These vows are so easy for us to take. We really are so much in love with each other and can’t imagine life without the other one.
A girl in my neighborhood asked me if I believe in fairy tale romance. Yes, I feel I am living one. You know how every fairy tale has a time in the story where things get scary and something or someone wicked and evil tries to do harm? In the fairy tale I live, Russ and I are always hand in hand battling whatever life throws at us together.
Who knows, maybe my whole life has been a fairy tale. Russ rescued me from troubled times and has given me a life I never thought possible. I think that since I have been with Russ it has been the part of the fairy tale that goes….and they all lived happily ever after.
Linda Lou what a great sister you are for arranging this for Lori and Russ.
Lori and Russ what a beautiful moment and the setting was spectacular. It's so wonderful to know that fairy tales do indeed exist.
Reverend Janet is the kind of minister I can get behind.
Congrats, Lori and Russ! Here's to many more happy anniversaries. And, good job, Linda - very nice surprise.
Awww, that made me all teary! LL, great job arranging that for your sis. You are the best! And Lori, congrats on 20 years and may you have an even better 20 more...or 40 more...or 60 more....
LOL..on another note, I love that my word verification word is "Shots". Let's all have one and toast Lori & Russ!
That was the most wonderful surprise Linda Lou. You are a very special sister and I know that they know that too.
May they have many, many happy years together.
Oh my gosh you made me cry. Linda, you are a great (and sneaky!) sister and Lori - wow - what an inspiring story.
Absolutely perfect!
Like everyone else has said, you are a fabulous sister!
So thoughtful of you to do that for them.
An anniversary they'll never forget :)
What a wonderful thing to be able to celebrate when it seems such a rarety these days. Congratulations.
Awwwh. You are the sweetest sister! (and your sis looks blissfuly happy)
Again, I offer my congrats to Lori and Russ for 20 good years under the bridge. Here's to the next 20.
And you, Linda, are most thoughtful for arranging the whole celebration. I'm guessing that because of you it was their most memorable anniversary.
BTW, my verification word is 'ffech'
And here I can't even get a sitter for the night of Charlese's wedding so we can celebrate our 10th year...
You are a very kind and loving sister.
Oh how sweet and fun. I got all teary eyed too.
Congrats Russ and Lori. Best wishes!!!
Perfection :-))))))
Thanks for sharing.
awe...just amazing, brought me to tears.
Best wishes to you all
What a sweet story! I love it!
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