Yeah, well, here’s something hot and sexy: I’m going to be a granny. Again.
Yep, Courtney and John are having a hippie baby. She wasn’t knocked up for the wedding, but she sure is now. (All you new readers: click here for the scoop on my daughter, Courtney. She’s a trip and a half—scroll down to the end for the biggest laugh.)
This is gonna be the tallest, whitest kid ever. Court’s 5’10” and paler than Nicole Kidman; John’s about 6”2” and is a redhead. Oh, but it’ll be so cute! I raided Courtney’s Facebook pictures again—look at these two. Aren’t they adorable?

Oh, man, I’m so excited! The baby’s due date is April 17, which means I have almost eight months to figure out how I can spend next summer in Albany. A contract training gig in upstate New York for the summer? A virtual tech writing job that would allow me to work from anywhere? Or maybe if I sell enough copies of that fabulous Bastard Husband: A Love Story, I’ll just take the summer off and continue to promote my book in the Northeast. The possibilities are endless!
It’s funny, I’ve been saying that I’d like to spend a summer in Albany. I absolutely love living in Las Vegas—I so dig it here—and there’s no way I’d want to move back to Albany for good because the winters make me mental, but it’s a fabulous place in the summer. There are so many music and art festivals and the Saratoga Racetrack… and my babies are there.
I miss them! Courtney and I gab all the time, but my son Christopher isn’t much of a phone talker—you have to see him in person to appreciate him. I just love being around him; he’s such a sweet and gentle soul. I'm not kidding, he's the nicest person on earth. Can’t you tell from this picture?

And of course, I miss my precious grandson and big brother to-be, Connor. He’s 10 and it would be so nice to hang out with him for a summer.

Plus, I’d be able to watch my kids play their music, which is my favorite thing to do on earth. (I bet Courtney will be playing out to the end and will return to the stage soon after the baby is born.) And Albany also has a vibrant comedy scene—that would give me incentive to get back into stand-up.
But best of all--I'll have a cute new baby to play with! I have to make this work!
And so the whole picture suddenly changes... Just a few weeks ago, the boyfriend and I were making long-term plans—talk about a narrow escape. Now I’m formulating my exit strategy. See? The universe unfolds in divine order. Have no doubt!
Congraulations!! That is fantastic news
Oh what fun you will have with that new baby - plus my birthday is April 10th so possibly your daughter could have the baby on that date and then the baby would definitely be awesome! ;)
this is the best news....babies... a new locale for a while....sometimes you need all the different you can get
You and your daughter look so much alike! Amazing
Woohooooooooooo! Congrats! You're the hottest grandma I know!!!!
I've love for you to figure out how to come back east for the summer. NY is far closer to me than LV is!
Which, by the way...I'll see you in 16 days. Yay!
OMG Congratulations I am so happy for Courtney. I know you must be thrilled I know my mom was when I had Josey. Love and Kisses
Blessings for all :-)
I look forward to grandma status!
Hmmm...Albany is rather close to CT...
A writers retreat?
Either that or a rendezvous at Foxwoods!
Oh yay, a new baby! And he/she may have the same birthday as my little one! He was born on April 17th of this year!! Congrats!!
Congratulations! That's so exciting and I remember seeing the beautiful bride and groom. Sounds like you need to make Vegas a seasonal home and move to Albany during the summer months. You've got plenty of time to plan but you do need to get the book out too.
I'm so excited for you and your daughter and son in law.
Congrats!!! How exciting!! You have a beautiful family.
Isn't it funny how in the blink of an eye life changes.
I am too excited about all of this. I get a new great ______ and I get you here for the summer. Not that any of this is about me but man, I sure am making out in this plan! Are you going to make this child call you Aunt Linda in public too? HAHA!
That's the rule. "Aunt Linda" in public.
Congrats on being one hot grandma! :) And your children are lovely too -- good genes!
Big Big Congratulations!! How exciting:)
Wonderful news! Congrats to you all. And I agree your son has a gorgeous face and yes he looks like a lovely guy. Beautiful family - growing bigger all the time. Babies - love them and I can't wait to be a grandmother. How exciting for Connor too. I have to catch up out BF - I think I missed something.
Wow - Congrats. Babies are amazing and make all right with the world!
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