Saturday, March 21, 2009

For all the writers out there

Today’s post is for all the writers out there. I know that this is probably boring stuff for normal people, so I’ll tell you what… I’ll put up a little something else before my next scheduled post on Tuesday that will be more of general interest. Fair enough? I aim to please.

I’m not sure if I told you that I had another one of my essays published recently in a collection of stories about grandmothers. The book is called Patchwork Patch: Grandma’s Choice and it’s put out by Choice Publishing Group. My essay, “Till the End” is about visits with my grandmother while she was under home hospice care.

Here’s the first paragraph:

In our family we reproduce young. My grandmother was 45 when I came along, my mother was 43 when my first child was born, and I became a grandmother at 41. If the pattern continues, my daughter will be so blessed at age 39, at which point we’ll have to move to Appalachia and start handing out banjos.
I know—everything has to be a joke.

This is the fourth time I’ve had something published. Last fall one of my essays was published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Divorce and Recovery and two excerpts from Bastard Husband: A Love Story have been included in Writers Bloc I and II: A Las Vegas Valley Authors’ Showcase.

I know many of you are writers, and maybe for some of you, it’s been a twinkle in your eye to write something someday, but you have yet to act upon. I want to tell you about a few story call outs for some upcoming publications that you may want to consider contributing to. Consider this a gentle nudge. (None of these have an entry fee or reading fee.)

Choice Publishing Group is looking for original stories and essays from 250 to 2000 words about friendship. Each submission will be reviewed and considered based on creativity, originality, concept, and style. The deadline for submissions is March 31. (Hurry, that’s soon.) For more information, including complete submission guidelines, visit Patchwork Path: Piecing Together Our Lives online at

Ultimate HCI Books is requesting photo and story submissions for two upcoming titles. The Ultimate Runner will feature true stories from beginning runners to Ironman veterans. The Ultimate Bird Lover will feature stories celebrating what’s good, challenging, and downright funny about these “angels with wings.” (Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that one…) Go to for format and submission guidelines. Deadline for both is June 15; books will be published in November.

The Chicken Soup for the Soul series is looking for a variety of submissions. Check out their website and pick a title. Just do it!

Compensation for stories is typically between $50 and $200, but of course money is not the motivation. It’s a kick to see your stuff in print, and if you’re querying agents, it’s nice to have a couple of publications under your belt.

Speaking of agents… The Las Vegas Writers Conference is just around the corner! Held from April 16 – 18 at Sam’s Town Hotel and Gambling Hall, the conference is chock full of workshops on all aspects of writing and publishing, plus you’ll have an opportunity to personally pitch your project to agents. Check the conference website for schedule and full details. I’ll be presenting sessions on “How to Get the Most Out of a Writers Conference” and will be a panelist for a session on blogging. This intimate (attendance is limited) conference is always great fun and is a fantastic place to network with other writers.

So there you go. Now get writing!


linda said...

Well thanks for those links. You are right, it is not about money (although who wouldn't love to come up with a Harry Potter gem?) but about seeing something of your own out in the public arena.

BTW, my mother became a grandmother at 35. And a great grandmother at 53. Thanks to my older sister (who, incidentally became a grandmother at the age of 33).

Lilly said...

Gosh you are funny and an incredible writer. Those links will be great for all the budding writers. I am waiting for as long as it takes to see your book in print, meanwhile I look forward to reading all your other published works. I may be the oldest grandmother at this rate. A grandmother at 33, oh my...

Vegas Linda Lou said...

OMG, Linda! A grandmother at 33? At least you've escaped that pattern yourself--yikes!

Unknown said...

Congrats Linda,

Maybe you ought to post this news on your LLV staff bio?

Mark said...

Linda, congratulations on another article published!!! Thanks for the heads up on a few that are looking for writers and stories. I'll pass on the Chicken Soup but the patchwork sounds great.

I had been thinking about the Las Vegas Writers conference but I can't do Vegas in April and then in May. I choose May!

Looking forward to hanging out with you and the rest of the group!