Saturday, March 28, 2009

On the road again...

Short post today. I'm at my sister Stacie's house in Fairfax, Virginia, outside of Washington, D.C. I got in last night around midnight; my sister Lori drove down from Albany yesterday. We'll have a brief visit with Stacie and her family, and tomorrow we're driving up to Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, to see Beautiful Aunt Joyce.

BAJ has been fighting cancer and all the related crap that goes along with it for a few years now and has been through how many rounds of radiation, chemo, blah, blah, blah... A few weeks ago she had surgery to remove a brain tumor and it seems that the recovery from that has been the most challenging. Can I just say I fucking hate cancer. I can't believe that with all the friggin' geniuses walking around, no one has been able to figure out how to get rid of it. For good.

BAJ is a young aunt; she's only 12 years older than me. Trust me when I tell you she's the nicest person on earth--not a foul-mouthed, center-of-her-own-universe type like me. She has a master's in divinity and was a pastor at her church for many years before she became too ill to keep up with the responsibilities of her position. A pastor. In my family!

So Lori and I will be up there to see her tomorrow, and then Tuesday morning we'll be driving up to Albany. Hopefully I'll get to see my kids and grandson for a bit before I fly back to Vegas that evening. I should get in around midnight, and then it's back to work in the cubicle at 7 a.m. Wednesday.

So it doesn't look like I'll be able to post Tuesday since I'll be on the road, but if I can put something up before then, I will. In the meantime, any thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes you can send to our Beautiful Aunt Joyce will be very much appreciated.

Thanks so much. I love you all.


Stephanie said...

Oh I'll send some prayers and postive vibes from Canada. There is no place for Cancer on this earth. God Bless...and strength to you too.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Amen to the end of cancer. My husband works in the pharmaceutical industry - he's in charge of the safety for blood-related and cancer-related drugs at his company - and, believe me, they're peddling as fast as they can to try to defeat the beast. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago and has gone through hell and back. Holding my breath that she'll remain "clean." I'm sending healing thoughts to your beautiful Aunt Joyce and I hope to get to meet you in person tomorrow!!

travel girl said...

I hate cancer too! watch many friend battle and lose the battle. No fun.

I wish your Aunt well!

Bar L. said...

I hate cancer too! Its insane that there isn't more that can be done to get rid of it!

I just said a prayer for BAJ. She sounds like a lovely woman. I am sorry she has to endure this.

Hope you get to see the kiddos and grand-kidlet!

Anonymous said...

All the best to your aunt....

Yes, I don't think there's a person alive who's life has not been touched by cancer in some way. It truly stinks that anyone has to go through what they do to beat the stinking disease from their body.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Vegas Linda Lou said...

Thank you all, my dear friends in the blogsphere! I'll be leaving Virginia soon to head up to Pennsylvania. More later...

Julie D said...

Have a great trip, darlin. Love and prayers to your aunt... said...

Be safe! You're going to be exhausted but hopefully, exhilarated from spending time with the family that you'll stay awake in your cubicle!

My thoughts and prayers go out to BAJ.

Lilly said...

Its great you can visit with your Aunty. Prayers are with her and her family. She clearly has been through so much already. Cancer is a terrible disease you are right. I have a theory the drug companies make a hell of a lot of money out of us being and remaining sick. Makes you wonder really. They can put a man on the moon yet cant do much about this. Take Care.