Man, we had a lot of good times in that place. And the night before our wedding, Chris had way too good a time. A bunch of guys took him out for one last night on the town before settling into married life and OMG, I don’t know what they did to him, but he was so friggin’ hung over the next day—to this day I’ve never seen anyone hurting like that.
Chris was literally shaking as we said our vows and he could hardly move or speak. Believe me, I was pissed! We were totally in love, but I remember thinking, “If I weren’t six months pregnant, I would NEVER marry you.” Ha!

I think that was taken with one of those cameras with the rotating flash cube. Look how fat my face is--and I bet I weighed all of 120 pounds.
After the ceremony a bunch of us went out to dinner and Chris was still so sick, he couldn’t get out of the car. Somebody at the table told the waitress we were celebrating my wedding, and I remember her looking at me all pregnant and all, and saying, “Well, where’s the groom?” with this quizzical look on her face. I was like, I am so gonna kill him.
Chris is awesome, though, and as I’ve said before, I couldn’t ask for a better father for my kids. I always enjoy seeing him when I go back to Albany, and I wish every divorced couple could have the mutual respect for each other that we have.
Here are a couple of other old pics I dug up. This one was taken at a wedding we went to. I think it was April 1977.

I loved that gown and I loved those shoes!
This was taken at Chris' parents' house; I remember I was on really good behavior. It might have been Easter 1977. It was some kind of holiday.

Man, the passage of time is pretty damn scary, don't you think?
I think the passage of time helped you get a different perspective.
I'm aiming for that in my own life as time goes by.
This was a great post!
You just get better with age, my dear. Happy former anniversary!!
What's scary is those 70's fashions. I htink I may have had a vest like his at one point. Man, does these pictures dredge up memories of an misbegotten era.
Happy would-be anniversary!
I freaking love your outfits in those pictures! I could totally wear those... yet another reason why I should've been nineteen back in the '70s instead of today. *sigh*
Oh, man--I still love those 70s fashions! Thank God I didn't come of age in the 80s--ha! (And sorry to those of you who did, but that was one freakin' ugly decade.)
Classic Rock Girl, I am convinced you are a reincarnation of some poor hippie chick who met her demise somewhere in the counterculture. You're an old soul, my young friend!
It's easy to see why you're still so beautiful and attractive. You were a 70's goddess! Ah youth, it's wasted on the young.
I was just thinking about the passage of time this morning, as I drove my daughter to school on a beautiful, warm Louisiana morning. How the fuck did I get HERE? My old life, 12 years with a totally different man in another part of the country, feels like a completely different person that I shrugged off like old skin or something. Gives me the creeps.
Anyways, you sure are purty, Linda Lou.
I think all of us dated Chris (or his twin) back in the 70's :)
I love that dress and shoes too. I had some shoes like that in green and I thought I was the shit.
Your kids are very lucky you and Chris still have a respectful relationship.
The pics are fabulous. I remember those flash "cubes" too.
Linda, your face wasn't fat it was pregnant! Great photos, remember those days well! PLATFORM SHOES were the best.
I agree with you about Classic rock girl!!!
Platform shoes were the best? I'm STILL wearing them! Classic Rock Girl--I love that kid.
Fast report: just got your book yesterday and I'm already halfway done because it reads like a dream. Really fantastic, and I'm not so quick with the praise. Can't wait to get back to it. Of lesser import: oh yeah, I'd totally forgotten about those flashcubes, but I can feel the warmth of the spent side as I type. Strong memory. And you and Chris (what a cutiepie) are some of the only people to look good in '70's fashions. I definitely did NOT.
Oh, Kablooey, I'm so happy you like my book! I'm getting a fantastic response, and am so grateful to everyone.
I was ten.
And the only bad thing about the 80's was the mullet.
Happy What Would Have Been Your Anniversary. You two were adorable, and you totally remind me of my and my honey. Thanks for posting this - we all get to have our own walks down memory lane as we read. ;-)
Weren't you two just the hip hipsters!?! It's so good that you were able to maintain a friendship - sounds like you're able to do so also with the BH too - that's hard to do.
Loved your book! Hope you end up doing some readings in Seattle sometime.
You two look fabulous!!!!!
My parents remained friends after they divorced. It was so easy on us kids that way. To this day I remember calling him to tell him my Mom had passed. He cried like I've never heard him cry. They really did love each other.
great post. love the pics as well. and congrats on the OMG award!
Hey congratulations Linda on the book!! Your mom told me it was coming. Glad to see you got it out Also I liked the pics :)I remember those days. I was fun to see them. One of theses days I will have to fly out and catch one of your shows. BTW you look GREAT! Your cousin Tim C..
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