Thursday, November 12, 2009

Somewhere there’s a psychologist working on a research project yelling, “JACKPOT!”

So how about me posting almost every day this week? Who loves ya—huh?

Hey, I was reading Tuesday’s post and then I thought, I wonder if my friend Kathy is pissed that I told the world she’s overweight? I didn’t mean like, holy shit overweight, just overweight like everyone else on earth. You know what I meant, right? Well, if she had a blog and wrote “Happy Birthday, Linda” and then told everyone I have crappy hair, I’d be like yeah, no kidding.

I hope she’s not pissed because she really is one of my best friends. Man, it must suck to be in my social/family/work circle. You never know what I’m gonna say, and maybe about you. But if you knew me in real life, you would freakin’ love me. I bet you would.

Anyway, I’m heading to Idaho again this weekend. My sister Lori is there and Mom is having a party on Saturday for Stepdaddy, who along with Kathy, celebrated his birthday yesterday. Stepdaddy, like Kathy, is freakin’ awesome. Whenever he and Mom pick me up at the airport, he gives me a big hug and even lifts me off the ground. Sometimes if we’re just standing around, he’ll hug me for no reason.

This is very different; the other day I was thinking, man, if my real father (who died in 1999) ever hugged us for no reason, we’d be like what the hell? I mean, we all knew he loved us and all—he would take the ends of the loaves of bread and leave the good slices for us, and he always made sure there was ice cream in the house—but he was definitely more the “Jesus Christ who spilled the goddamn gravy” kind of father. Which is totally different from the hugging for no reason kind, if you know what I mean.

Ha—I remember when my little sister first heard of the concept of incest. I think she was about 12 or so. I remember her saying, “Well, that’s nothing we have to worry about,” like how lucky is that?



Tara said...

Funny you should mention the difference in the two dads because me and a couple of friends were talking about that over the weekend. Like one of my friend's family hug and kiss every time they see each other. OMG, if my family did that I'd freak out. Apparently it's normal and I'm weird. I must not have been loved enough as a child, lol......

Hurricane Mikey said...

And another piece of the puzzle falls into place... said...

I loved the comparisons. Your dad sounded like he was quite a character. My dad also wasn't affectionate. In fact, my sister and I hated to kiss him on the cheek to say, "Thank you" because we knew that he didn't make a habit of that type of affection.

Have fun in Idaho!!!

JeannetteLS said...

Don't know you for shit, but Love you already. Your blogs make me laugh... with an edge. Dad was affectionate, with every woman who moved... but not inappropriately with us. Enjoy Idaho. Thank you by the way for visiting my blog. I may even have located my sense of humor again. Safe travel.

Julie D said...

Your dad and mine are somewhere partying it up right now. They must have been two of a kind.

Which explains us.

Bar L. said...

My dad was kind of a blend of the two types.

I am sure Kathy is not pissed. I think I over-reacted to that post I am afraid to go look at my comment...

The Peach Tart said...

Enjoy your weekend away with your family.

♥ Braja said... I know you?

I must, if Vodka Mom is here somewhere......