Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bastard Husband... any questions?

What does BH think about the book? Whatever happened with Perry? Will there be a sequel?

How do you go about writing a memoir? What does it take to get a book published?

I'll answer all questions when Aging Nymphs internet radio show returns tonight at 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific. To listen live, go to the Aging Nymphs Blog Talk Radio show page and click on the show title. Call in with your questions, leave them here as a comment, or email me at And remember, you can listen to the archives anytime!

And hey--my sincere thanks to those of you who posted reviews for BHALS on Thank you, thank you!


Anonymous said...

Dying to know!

Julie D said...

I have all kinds of questions, I'll submit a list. LOL

K A B L O O E Y said...

Linda: I loved the book. Seriously funny, poignant, with a clear voice (yours, what a good idea). Not blowing smoke -- it was really good. Gave you a little shout on my blog today, so maybe some of my literally tens of readers will come over and buy a copy. Looking forward to the radio show. said...

I haven't finished it but when I do, I'm heading over to give it a great review. I'm loving it! You've got a great voice for writing. Is the sequel coming??

Bar L. said...

I will leave a review on Am as soon as I finish the book! I love it but have put aside to read some stuff of addiction, etc. Tomorrow my son starts his 90 days in rehab. I am a nervous wreck with lots of guarded hope :(

Anonymous said...

Loved your book! You and I have absolutely Nothing in common (apart from an interest in writing and a residence in Vegas), but I feel like you're my new best friend. Your book proves the writers' mandate that the more specifically and intimately you write, the more universally you will connect. Congratulations on writing and publishing a first-class memoir!

Vegas Linda Lou said...

Wow, thank you! That's so nice to hear.