Oh, man--I can’t tell you how much I LOVE my new Scion! I am so diggin’ tooling around town and country in that little thing. And here I thought I could never love another car as much as my 1996 Saturn. (Did you watch the video I posted on Saturday? The car’s a giver!)
One of the cars I seriously considered buying was a Nissan Versa. One of my friends has one, and I rented a Versa during a trip to the Northeast last March. They’re cute, which of course, is what I look for in a car. Same with clothes, shoes, and men.
Anyway, last week I rented a Versa while I was in Vegas. I sincerely hope I don’t offend anyone who drives one, but I’m so glad I ended up with a Scion. My Scion handles much better, you sit a little higher, and it’s much more fun to drive. But the worst thing about the Versa was the air conditioner never got cool enough. At first I thought, okay, it’s 113 degrees—maybe I’m expecting too much. But then I was like, hold on, my Saturn never had a problem like that.
It was pure luck, or maybe divine intervention, that led me to my new Scion. I decided to buy a car during one of my famous breakups with Mike. Bad timing. I should never make any decision on my own—even "paper or plastic?" is tough for me.
Anyway, after a little research, instead of a Versa I decided I was going to buy a used Scion xA, but I still wasn't sure because that xA model is really, really tiny and I was beginning to think it would be too small for my upcoming cross-country trip.
That night after work I sat at my dining room table thinking, “Oh, for Christsakes, Linda, just make a freakin’ decision and buy the damn car." The nice lady at CarMax had phoned me earlier in the day, but I ignored her call because I was still on the fence. Finally I decided to just freakin' go for it and call her, and when I picked up my phone, I saw there was a voice message from Mike. I hadn’t spoken to him in a couple of weeks, and I didn’t expect to hear from him. You can only break up with somebody so many times, you know? I called him back and told him about the car situation.
He insisted it would be smarter to buy a new Scion and offered to go with me to the Toyota dealer to check them out, but he was tied up that night. I was antsy and in a car-buying mood, so I went to the Auto Mall myself. The new xD model was bigger than the xA and super cute and my sales guy seemed really honest, so I bought one right then and there.
I love it, I love it, a million times over. And I’m SO glad I bought a brand new car instead of the smaller used model.
A week or so after I picked it up, Mike came over to check it out.

"It looks like a hearse for midgets," he said.
I smacked him for insulting my adorable new car, but it was clearly a love tap.
I must have thought a million times last week that it's a good thing I called him back that night. Besides ending up with a vehicle I wouldn't be so thrilled with, I would have had cut short a relationship that I'm also very thrilled with. No more breakups. (I know, famous last words... but I'll keep up my end.)
Bear with me as I say it more time: "The universe unfolds in divine order."
Wow, that's a great story with a happy (not sappy) ending. Mike's line is laugh-out-loud funny, and you smacked him. Not sweet; I like. And the car thing is gender-ruled. I wouldn't buy a car if I didn't like the color. Big kudos to you for buying it yourself and making the decision in the first place! (Yeah, paper or plastic is tough for me too. Both? Both is always good.)
Yes, yes, yes. The universe unfolds in divine [but sometimes clunky] order. Well, that's my spin on it.
Glad you got the newer Scion. It's really cute, especially in black. I think the older models look like traveling boxes.
I purchased a copy of your book today! All the best
I can relate to your love for your new car: I absolutely adore my Scion, too! I was in a minor fender-bender a few weeks ago, and had to take it to the body shop this week for repairs. Linda, I had separation anxiety for the 36 hours I didn't have my car! LOL I was so happy to get it back!!
P.S. If you haven't already, you have to name your car! I'll share the name of my Scion when you tell me yours ;-)
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