Saturday, July 10, 2010

Off to Vegas today! (And another post for the “fat guys” label)

This afternoon I leave for a glorious week in Las Vegas!

I can’t wait to see Mike, except now I’m wishing I haven’t been indulging so much in the upstate New York temptations I find irresistible. Saranac’s Adirondack sampler is damn good beer—especially love the Black Forest! And don’t get me going on Stewart’s Cream and Coffee Fudge ice cream, a.k.a. “dinner.”

I think my friends Tim and Susan, the couple I’m staying with, are positively aghast at my diet. Every once in a while they try to make me eat something healthy like a cheeseburger, but I think more than anything my bad habits are rubbing off on them. Another reason they’ll be singing hallelujah in September when I head back west!

Yeah, I’ve been going to hell with myself, although I have been getting some exercise. On the weekends Susan and I walk on the country roads near their house, and I take a little stoll through beautiful downtown Schenectady at lunch. But most of my exercise comes from climbing the stairs in the office building where I work. I have this new little habit of taking a break and walking 96 stairs to the roof mid-morning and again late afternoon. That’s on top of the 76 I climb to the fourth floor when I first get here and the 79 from the ground floor at lunch.

Who the hell cares—that’s the most boring paragraph I’ve ever written. My point is, I have to do something to keep from grossing myself out in a bathing suit, and to make matters worse, Mike says he’s lost 15 pounds since I last saw him in May. I swear he did that just to annoy me—ha! He knows I prefer men with some meat on them.

Speaking of… have you seen comedian Louis C.K.’s new show? It’s on Tuesday nights on FX, right after Rescue Me ( pant, pant). It's a riot--so funny and well done! Man, Louis C.K. is one of my favorite comics ever—right up there with Larry David and Ricky Gervais (who was on last week's episode). Except Louis is way better looking. I think he’s freakin’ hot.

He’s got some meat on him, yup. In the first show there was a scene where he’s checking out his fat shirtless gut in the mirror and I was like, man, I want a piece of that! I don’t know why, but there’s something about a gut on a guy that I find attractive. (Though there can be too much of a good thing.) A bit of a gut is manly, and sad to say, comforting; I feel a little off the hook about my own body. Is that sick or what? And really, what the hell do I see in that skin-and-bones Denis Leary?

Anyway, I can’t wait to get my hands on my hunk-of-man Mike later tonight. Two months apart is a long time! But a week away from Saranac and Stewarts can only be a good thing.

5 comments: said...

You crack me up! You'd better get to feeding Mike while you're there so he can pack on some pounds. Enjoy your time together.

Caz Wilson said...

Ooh I've seen trailers for Louie, it looks good - I'll have to check it out. Have a fun week!


Julie D said...

I tried to watch that, and got 10 minutes into it and was bored out of my mind.....

Have fun in Vegas!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a fabulous time in Vegas!

Tara said...

OMG, Louie is hilarious. I just watched last weeks episode where he was at the doctor.. Priceless... Hope you are having tons of fun in Vegas!!