Saturday, August 20, 2011

House is coming along... and a celebrity look-alike

I am so diggin' this new house of ours.  How could I not?  We still have so much to set up, but it's coming along, slowly but surely.  The master bedroom is just about done; Mike just has to hook up the TV and we're pretty much good to go.

We've been able to blend our contrasting tastes in decor quite well.  Mike's pictures are above the bed and to the right of the bed; they're of old-timey guys on horses with their hunting dogs (how masculine).  The pictures above the couch and the dresser are mine; they're of Bell Rock in Sedona and tepees.  Somehow it all comes together.

On the other side of the couch is a sliding glass door to a balcony. Mike put a little refrigerator out there, which is stocked with dark beer and Two Buck Chucks from Trader Joe's.  This is the view looking toward the mountains.

And here I'm looking at the Strip.

Pretty cool.  Nothing can compare to the view I had at Linda Land, but you're not going to hear me complain--I can't believe I wake up here every day! 

Like I said, we still have a shitload of stuff to do, and I really want to get almost all of it done before my grandson Connor arrives on Tuesday.  He'll be here until September 3, and then I'm going back with him to spend some time in Albany.  I haven't seen little Hazel since April--I miss her so much! 

Hey, speaking of Connor... There's a teen idol kid named Grayson Chance who I swear is a dead ringer for my boy.  You may have seen him on Ellen a couple of times.

I can't get over it--the resemblance is really freaky.  Love that Connor's shirt is folded over so it says "Proud to be Awesone."  Grayson Chance wishes he were that awesone!

Hope you're all having a great weekend!  Now back to work for me...

4 comments: said...

Linda, I feel like I've fallen off the bandwagon....I've missed so much going on in your life. That is ONE awesome house/mansion! Now, how old are the kiddos? If you can give any type of input to making them mind without losing yours...please pass it my way....I'm all tapped out. I guess I thought it would be easy. As for the decorating??? I'm excited for you guys that you can blend your tastes. Jeff's tastes are Victorian and crystal and fake flowers and mine is modern antique. Sigh! I can't wait to see more pictures. Congratulations on your new home.

Josie said...

You could land a plane in your bedroom!

Tara said...

Apparently I've been out of touch and need to go back some posts to see what the hell is going on..... The pics look awesome though!!

Tender Heart Bear said...

It looks like the house is coming along really good. I am glad to see that your things and his things can work in the rooms together. I can't wait to see pictures when you are done moving everything were you want it to be.

I hope you have a great time with your grandson when he gets there.