Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reality, why must you be so harsh?

After a glorious week and a half encompassing Thanksgiving with my family, our surprise wedding and our fantastic California honeymoon, it was back to reality first thing last Monday morning.  And by first thing, I mean my alarm went off at 4:15 a.m. so I could make a 6:50 flight to Phoenix.

My work travel has begun.  I spent three days at resorts in eastern Arizona.  Let me just tell you, it was more than a little difficult to go from this...

to this...

in just a matter of days.  Along the way I saw this...

which was quite beautiful.  And this...

which piqued my curiosity, to say the least.

Tomorrow morning I get to sleep in until 5:45 since my flight isn't until 8:25.   Where am I going this time?  You'll find out on Tuesday.  It's a state I've never been to, and I've been to almost 40 of them.  The city I'll be staying in is on my "Definitely no interest" list, but I'll be working most all the time and won't get to see much anyway.


After this week I'll be home for at least until after the New Year.  I won't be going back to Albany for Christmas since everyone was just here.  Oh, it was so great to have them here!  I must share some pictures.

Christopher, Courtney and Hazel
(I swear, Courtney looks more like me with every passing day.)

The Most Serious Baby on Earth cracks a smile
Me and Lori at Red Rock
Connor takes a call at the Oval Office

Mom and Santa (my nephew Andy)
(Doesn't my mother look great?)

My grandson is freakin' epic!
I have three-inch heels on in that picture, too--he's gonna be a tall boy!

Okay, I can't put you through any more family photos.  Enjoy the rest of the weekend and I'll talk to you from ??? on Tuesday!

8 comments: said...

Brrrr. Hope the week flies by so you'll be home before you know it. Hazel has gotten so big and is just beautiful just like her mommy and grandma. I love the picture of her smiling! Have a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

Mom looks absolutely wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

Mom looks absolutely wonderful!!

raydenzel1 said...

yes, I remember, Hawaii was tough to leave.

Mimi said...

don't tell her, but I thought Courtney was you! How is YOUR granddaughter a serious baby?

Tender Heart Bear said...

The pictures are great. It just shows us how much you love your family. Family means a lot to me also. My kids just don't want me to put there picture on my blog. I did of my son. One of these days I will put pictures up of my two girls.

If you come to Wisconsin it would be great to meet you. Just letting you know!♥

Julie D said...

OMG, a smile from Miss Serious! She is so darned cute even when she's not smiling, but *that* takes the cake!

Have fun on your trip!

Tara said...

Ok, I think I'm finally all caught up on everything going on with you! Good to see you're doing well and happy! love you Vegas Mom!!