Saturday, May 15, 2010

Better late than never

Jeez, it's taken me long enough to post today, huh?

Yesterday was my last day at work and my awesome co-workers took me out to lunch at Bootlegger's, which is always yum. They all chipped in for a couple of gift cards to chain restaurants, which will be put to good use on our trip cross-country. So nice.

Lori arrived yesterday afternoon and last night a bunch of us had some drinks at Ovation Lounge in Green Valley Ranch and then stayed for my favorite classic rock tribute band, Yellow Brick Road. Oh, it was so much fun! I have the absolute best, best, BEST friends on earth. I'm so incredibly lucky!

We danced our asses off and holy crap, I stayed up until 3 o'clock in the morning, which is the latest I've stayed up in a long, long time. Needless to say, I was moving pretty slowly this morning, but by afternoon I got into gear and increased the productivity. Still a lot to do, but we'll get everything moved into the storage bin by tomorrow night. Then we'll be hitting the road on Monday after we meet Julie from 47 and Starting Over for breakfast at the Omelet House. Can't. wait. to see her--it's been almost a year since her visit to Vegas last year.

I am so freaking excited. I don't know what time we'll realistically hit the road on Monday, but we'll make our way toward Santa Fe, which is our first real stop. I have a dear friend who lives there, and we'll stay probably two nights so we can take a trip up to Taos. Lori's off from work through Memorial Day weekend, and we're gonna go wherever the road leads us.

I'm so lucky! I have never lived in the present moment like I am right now. There are still so many unknowns about the next few months, but I definitely plan on coming back to Vegas. I have a couple of speaking gigs here in Vegas scheduled for July, and I'll fly back for a couple of weeks then. But beyond that... no idea. Life will unfold exactly as it should.

I'm going to try to blog every day from the road. I just got a new T-Mobile version of the i-Phone, so hopefully I'll be able to figure that friggin' thing out and post some videos as well. Right now I'm trying to get simple texting down.

Lots to look forward to. LOTS!!!


kelvin s.m. said...

Well, Best of luck! said...

Wait! Where have I been? You are hitting a road trip? No more 9 to 5? I'm excited for you! That sounds like an adventure is in store for sure.

Give Julie hugs. I wish I was in Vegas too.

dle said...

....have a wonderful trip...and at the end of it is Hazey!!! so exciting! Happy Trails

Krissyface said...

so psyched to hear about your newest adventure, LL! Keep us posted from the road! Road trip blog, ooh la la!!

Sandi said...

So I finally finished your book... I know it took me long enough right? and now.... I am heartbroken that it is over. I wanted to keep going. I loved every single page, every single word. Thank you for sharing it with me. I love you even more.

My mom came down to help me while Brandon was in Nigeria one weekend and she saw the book on my desk. I told her how much I loved it and how much it reminded me of her. She was married to my dad for thirty years. He is an alcoholic. So many things hit so close to home.

The day she left, I told her I wanted to send the book to her when I was done. I said, "Do you remember that book you saw on my desk the other day? I am going to send it up when I finish it. It's so you."

She replied, "Wasn't it called something like BITCH MOTHER?"

Oh my HELL I almost fell out of the car from laughing so hard. Yes it's close to bitch mother, but not quite.

Thank you again for sharing your life with all of us. You ROCK!

Donna B. said...

Farewell for now mi amigo. Be safe and have lots of fun! Sorry Jerry and I did not make it to the Ovation. We ate dinner at Sunset, then plunked ourselves down at a Keno machine and just kept playing and enjoying being's been a looooooong week. I HOPE WE CAN GET TOGETHER when you return in July. You KNOW I will be tuning into your blog. I plan on sending you something for your look for it...

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

If you come to Philly and don't call me I'll never talk to you again. Seriously, have the best time EVER! You are an inspiration to us all. ;-)

gayle said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time!! Your trip is going to be so exciting!!

Tara said...

Have an awesome trip Linda!! If you're in Ohio, let me know!!