Friday, May 28, 2010

One more overnight on the road!

We're in Wytheville, Virginia, now--making our way to Fairfax to see our sister Stacie. Yesterday we meandered through Smokey Mountain National Park. It's beautiful!

As always, my sister Lori made some new friends.

Then it was on to Asheville, North Carolina, for only a brief stop. What a cool city! Look at the architecture.

And evidently it's home to the world's biggest iron.

We were lucky to find a rooftop bar with this view.

I wish we had more time to stay--Asheville is definitely a place I'd like to visit again.

This trip has been absolutely incredible, but after 11 days on the road, I'm ready to wind things down. Look at the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow.

Granny's on her way, kids!


Julie D said...

I can't wait to see you and Hazel together. Hurry up and get your hands on that baby, Granny!

Anonymous said...

Ah enjoy the remainder of your trip. Looks tiring, but looks fun! said...

How exciting to have the pot of gold to look forward to. She is so cute and alert.

Donna B. said...

This trip is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us. I feel like I have been riding in the back seat the whole way!

Polish up those little treasures with lots of love, hugs and kisses!

Fragrant Liar said...

Road trip! Wow, 11 days? That's a looooong one. Asheville is a place that's on my MUST SEE list, and now for sure since I saw that iron, I'll have to bump it to the top of the list. ;-)

Safe journey, and enjoy that pot of gold!

Other Mikey's Julie said...

The picture with Hazel "playing" video games is priceless!