Out in the west side of town, there are pretty red rock mountains; those here in Henderson resemble mounds of kitty litter. They do make the landscape interesting, though.
Economically, things here still seem pretty bleak. Here's a picture of The District, a shopping plaza adjacent to Green Valley Ranch casino. As you can see, it's not exactly hopping for 2:00 in the afternoon. Kind of resembles a Twilight Zone episode.

Here's one of the storefronts in the District.

Sweet bearded Jesus, you gotta be kidding me. Fitness made fun for kids? In my day, that was called, "Get the hell out of the house and I don't want to see you until the street lights come on."
It's good to be here.
Sometimes with the economy, there must be downs before going up.
I remember getting a Schwinn 10 speed and riding it around the same block over and over for exercise. I also has a pair of roller skates, complete with homemade pom-poms. This kept me on the sidewalk for hours!
I heart Green Valley. And that damn kids' gym? Um, yep, been there. It's where all the moms that "give a shit about their kids" go. I quit going about four years ago...
Keep in mind we are in the triple digits and most folks don't enjoy walking out in the heat! Now is the time to people watch from inside where the AC is...
Do you have time to meet for lunch?
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