Thursday, September 9, 2010

A typical workday in Vegas and Happy Birthday to my 25-year-old BFF!

I am so loving this virtual work scene! I roll out of bed at a few minutes to six, put the coffee on, fire up the laptop, and start the tech writing magic... in my Guinness pajamas.

Here's a pic I sent to my beloved coworkers yesterday morning. Lucky for them, when I show up for work in person, I've already gone through my 30-step beautification process.

I'm mentally the sharpest first thing in the morning, so that's when I tackle the most cranial-challenging stuff. Then at 9:00 I take a break for an hour to coincide with East Coast lunchtime, and Mike and I get in some exercise. (Mike also works at home, but doesn't drag his ass out of bed until I'm putting on my walking shoes.)

We're about a 5-minute ride to the City View Trail at McDonald Ranch in the Green Valley section of Henderson. I've told you about this trail before; it's less than a half-hour climb and burns a good amount of calories.

Here's a view of the surrounding neighborhood, a 55+ community. I love walking through here and looking at all the cactus gardens. Very nice.

By 10:00 I'm back at the laptop and then wind things up around 3:00. It's an awesome arrangement, though I do miss my coworkers. It's like going to work everyday and seeing your best friends. That's how it was when I worked at GE, too. As I've said before, that makes all the difference in a job.

Speaking of best friends from work, today is my 25-year-old BFF's birthday! We're meeting for drinks tomorrow after work and I cannot freakin' wait; he's the funniest person I know. Right up there with my sister Lori and my son, Christopher. Cannot wait to see him!

Happy Birthday, Joe!


I Hate to Weight said...

the work schedule does sound great (although i do my best work at night and can't do ANYTHING at 6 am.) i'm so glad this worked out for you.

your walk looks lovely. i love taking walks during the day - so grounding.

have fun tomorrow. Happy B'Day to your co-worker!

Mimi said...

I'm very interested in this 30-step beautification process, though I'd have to do it the night before, couldn't get out of bed so early in the morning to have time!!!
Before 8am just doesn't work for me. After midnight? Yea, great!

Bar L. said...

Sounds like a great work week! I am catching up with your blog. Happy birthday to Joe (I know who he've written about him before...funny how we start to "know" each others friends and families on here!) said...

That's beautiful scenery. Good for you for starting the morning off with some exercise.

Have fun celebrating Joe's birthday. What car did he end up with?