Saturday, October 1, 2011

New year, new laptop... fingers crossed for a new job

This is my first post written from my new laptop--an early birthday present from Mike.  So nice.  Monday is my birthday, so next week you can expect a "Year in Review" post.  I'd say it's been quite a year, but aren't they all?

As always, I'm psyched about starting another year, and there are lots of changes ahead.  Yesterday was my last day at my awesome telecommuting job.  In a way, I hate that it's over; I absolutely love working at home, but who knows--hopefully I'll be going on to bigger and better.  I have an amazing prospect on the radar screen; based on what the recruiter has told me, it sounds like my dream job. 
Of course, my real dream job would be no job at all--I'd love to just write all day, do some volunteer work, and pursue my creative endeavors--but as day jobs go, this one seems perfect.  I don't want to say too much for fear of jinxing myself, but I will tell you it involves travelling to resorts worldwide (!) and I'd be reporting to someone on another continent.  HELL, yeah!  They've already checked my references and things are looking good. 

I won't be interviewing with the hiring manager until his next trip to Vegas, so it will be a couple of weeks until I know anything for sure.  In the meantime, fingers crossed but I have to keep sending out resumes until I get an offer; there's no bird in hand. (A thought I find positively repulsive. Whoever came up with that?)  At any rate, I'm going to enjoy the time off.  It's still warm enough to relax poolside, which is how I intend to spend a good part of my birthday.  How lucky I am! 

Hey, my age is the same as my height this year (5-4). If only my weight (139) matched my IQ.  Or even my bowling average.

Anyway, it's also kind of significant that I got a new laptop right now.  I've had my old one since about 2004, which in laptop years is ancient. B.H. bought it for me so I could write my book--oh, the works of genius that have come from that thing!  Seriously, I do have a little emotional attachment to it, but it was getting slow as hell and it's time to move on.  After all, a new year is beginning; it's a good time for change.

One thing I noticed, though--my blog looks weird on this.  My blogging friend Donna at Mystical Journeys told me a while ago that it looks weird on her computer, but I couldn't figure out why.  It looked fine on my old laptop, my work laptop, and Mike's computer.  I know what she means--the sidebars are so dark you can hardly read the text--and I'm not sure how to fix it. I have a feeling it may be fine on older machines.  Do I look weird to you?  (My blog, I mean.)  Any ideas what I can do about it?

Anyway, life is good and I'm enjoying every minute.  No matter what happens with my cool job prospect, it's all perfect.  Everything's perfect.  Except I still hate my hair.

Hope you're having a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

sidebars look fine to me on my new samsung laptop,
lynne said...

Congrats on your new addition! Hope you get the job!! Sounds exciting!!

Gina D. said...

Now I definitely need to talk to you about jobs--any free time next weekend for a chat? Being a travel or food/wine writer is my dream job (well, except like you my dream job involves no job, just lots of free time to write, travel, and do interesting things at my whim). Anyway, good luck with the interviews, etc. And I'm liking the new look!