Thursday, May 9, 2013

Stand up straight, smile, and make a few thousand bucks in minutes

I'm always telling you to do two things as often as you can:

1.  Stand up straight.

2.  Smile.

Right?  Don't I always say that?  Well, look what I found in Dr. Oz's column in the newspaper the other day:
"Researchers in Japan measured the angle between the base of the neck and the middle of the back of independent-living 65-year-olds. How slouched a person's shoulders were predicted if he or she was still going to be self-sufficient five years later. Those who slouched the most were about three and a half times more likely to need assistance for everyday chores than those who stood the straightest."
Seriously, I cannot stress the importance of good posture enough. I tell my clients all the time to start working on their posture immediately because the way they carry themselves will affect how they come across in an interview. People with good posture project confidence and command authority, and that's exactly what will give you the edge, especially when it comes to salary negotiations.  Think of it this way:  Just by standing up straight and smiling, you may be able to line your pockets with a few thousand dollars.

Hey, last week I gave a little mini-session on negotiating salary at work.  Maybe you guys will find this info helpful, too.

Tips for Negotiating Salary

1.  The biggest factor in determining whether or not you get a higher salary is based solely on whether you ask.
  • The vast majority of companies (80%) are willing to negotiate salary, but the vast majority of employees never even try.
  • 18% of job seekers never negotiate their salaries, 44% negotiate occasionally, and only 37% of prospective employees will always become an active participant in determining their salary.
  • 13% of job seekers are comfortable negotiating.
  • Of those asking for a boost, 72% received it.
2.  DO NOT ask if the offer is negotiable.
  • This shifts the entire balance of power in their direction. They can simply say “No” and now the game is over.
  • The worst part is, once they say “No” they can’t even change their mind if they wanted to. You might go on to present the most compelling case in the world for giving you more money, but now they'd have to admit that they were wrong in the first place.
3.  Negotiate cash compensation first and offer a number that places your goal as a midpoint.
  • Once you determine the “wiggle room” for financial compensation—such as salary, bonus, incentives, pension and 401(k)—consider negotiating other non-monetary benefits such as insurance, vacation, educational assistance, professional membership dues, etc.
4.  Show how you can make an immediate impact on company performance.
5.  Don’t sound too canned or overly rehearsed.
6.  Remember that wages are merely an economic price for your economic output.
7.  Take the “How can we figure this out together?” approach.
  • Don’t convey the “I want you to make the following changes” attitude.
  • Instead, show that you’re both on the same side.
8.  Realize that many employers see candidates who negotiate as high performers.
9.  Don’t split hairs and don’t interrupt.
  • Recruiters and hiring managers grow annoyed with back and forth negotiating of minutia or with an attitude of arrogance or entitlement.
10.  Understand that this will actually be the easiest money you’ve ever made.
  • Just asking for more money may provide you an increase of 5-7%.
 And during all this, don't forget:

1. Stand up straight.
2.  Smile.

You can never hear it enough!


Taradharma said...

When interviewing for a job, a person feels very vulnerable. I think it's this that keeps people from negotiating -- especially in this market.

But standing up straight and smiling never goes wrong.

Passionate Lady said...

Or, on the other hand, you could just say f 'em, and go to work for yourself. Works for me!

Mimi said...

Great advice Linda!
If I'm ever again in a position where I'm changing job, I'll remember it. In the meantime, I will pass it on to my students.
Enjoy your weekend Linda!