You were right. Last week I gave the 30-day notice on my apartment. Yesterday I gave a 4-week notice on my job. I’m heading east.
I’m not moving to Albany for good, and I don’t know how long I’ll stay there. It depends on how long the finances hold out or when it starts to get chilly—whatever comes first. I’ll start accepting freelance writing/editing work starting June 1, and I’d love to find a contract training job in Albany or somewhere in the Northeast that would get me through the summer. I’ve been working primarily as a technical writer for the past four years, and I really miss training. But if I can muster up enough freelance work, maybe I’ll just do that.
So here’s the plan. I’m going to continue with Purgefest 2010 and put the rest of my crap in storage here in Las Vegas. My job ends Friday, May 14, and that’s the same day my sister Lori arrives. We’ll take that weekend to tie up loose ends and raise hell in the Vegas biker bars and then on Monday, May 17 we’re hitting the highway.
The ultimate sisters’ road trip!!!
Of course, my dog Stiff will be coming with us. He won’t be a problem and we can even sneak him into motels that don’t allow pets because he never--I mean never--barks. Awesome.
We’re planning on taking the southern route over I-40 though Flagstaff to Albuquerque. I have a dear friend in Santa Fe, so we’ll stay there a night or two, and then on to Amarillo, Oklahoma City, Little Rock, and Memphis.
Stiff is going to Graceland!
After Memphis, we’ll head up to Nashville, where I must spend some time on a barstool in Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge, this cool place that has live music starting each day at 10 a.m. I was there one morning about 10 years ago drinking beer and singing “All My Exes Live in Texas” with a bunch of new friends and I can’t wait to go back.
I haven’t mapped out the trip from Nashville up to New York yet, so if you have any suggestions, let me know. I definitely want to go to Asheville, North Carolina—I hear it’s my kind of place—and I’m thinking I’d like to up through Kentucky and West Virginia.
Oh, I soooo excited! I LOVE taking road trips, and as I’ve told you a million times, my sister Lori is a blast. Lori’s taking two weeks off from work, so we can take our time and stop at every bizarre roadside attraction and Harley Davidson shop along the way.
Of course, you’ll be with us on every leg of the trip. I’m hoping to add videos as well. And you thought this site was going to turn into a boring granny blog.
Just for that, look at this adorable picture of Connor and Hazel.

Soooo… Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Lay it on me!
How exciting! Can't wait to see and hear about your adventures! Spread your sassy wings and fly (er, I mean drive) to other places Linda Lou. You've set the Vegas strip on fire.... why not take it on the road and have a home base where your family is located. I think it's a great decision and you won't regret it. Hazel needs someone to show her the cool spots anyway. :) Congrats to you and have fun in this new venture in your life!
p.s. - my test came back normal so far. Dang, I was hoping to be abby normal or something more fun! ;)
OMG! That is so awesome. Well, it's awesome for you, but it's a sad day for Las Vegas.
We will most definitely have to go out for a beer or 2 (10?) before you hit the road.
I wish you all the best back East!
What a road trip. Oh gosh, can I say lock up your sons America when you and Lori hit the open road!!lol
Please take lots of videos.
Perth WA
I know I haven't been on here much, but I am so excited for you!!! I absolutely LOVE road trips as well. I'm glad you'll be able to be with your family (especially the new baybuh! she's precious, by the way) for awhile.
And you're coming through Amarillo?! That's like an hour and a half from where I am!! I'm leaving for Spain on May 13th or else I would've loved to meet you! :(
If you are driving through KY and WVa your ass better go straight up the middle of Ohio through Columbus. Even though I will see you in Vegas before you leave. BTW, I get in Sunday night the 16th at 10:15 so if you are leaving early Monday, I am coming straight to your house from the airport! No way in hell am I missing you.
Wow, Linda, LOVE your new adventures in the making! It's making me itch to change things up as well. Can't wait to follow your travelogue... Hazel is adorable btw. Connor looks so proud! Good Luck my friend!!!
Thanks, you guys! It's going to be quite an adventure.
Congrats, Linda. We'll miss you for sure.
You might try I-40 out of Nashville to Knoxville, then I-81 through the Blue Ridge Mountains (absolutely gorgeous) and all the way to Syracuse, where you hop on the Thruway to Albany.
Thanks, Mike--that sounds good. Don't worry, I'm not leaving Vegas forever, just a few months at most. That's the plan, anyway.
What's that I hear? The sound of God laughing?
Ha - yep, we all knew it!!
Albany is gorgeous in the summer. Things are green! It rains! Woohoo!! The winters, well, not so good.
My suggestion for the road trip is to hit the Southside in Pittsburgh. Great food, great beer, great music.
woo hoo, that sounds like one hell of a plan. if you want, tell me when you'll be passing through or near NYC and I'll buy a round to celebrate the new baby. I'll vene find a lovely scuzzy bar. I'm on Long Island an hour outside the city (lame) but you are welcome to stay here if you like. But I'd meet you anyplace.
Woo-hoo! That is so exciting Linda Lou -- yay! So happy for you and congrats on your beautiful new granddaughter! xoxo
Sure! The ONLY nymph I know in Las Vegas is moving. (deep sigh)You will be missed...I wonder if you'll keep your blogsite? I sure hope so. And I hope you'll continue to follow the saga of Seven-Inch-Vinyl while back east. (deeper sigh.
Live, from Las Vegas....and all points East!!!!!!!!!!!!
cutest children ever!!!
good for you for doing what is best for you and your family. being with the ones we love is the most important. we can do everything else anywhere.
i admire you. once again you inspire me. time to start a master plan over here in new jersey
I'm about 3 hours from Ashville. There's a casino at Cherokee,NC that is close to there and is a fun town to spend the day in. We could meet for lunch and drop a twenty at the casino? From Nashville go east to Knoxville and to Pigeon Forge (Hello, Dollywood) through the Smokey Mountains is a fabulous drive over to Cherokee and then to Ashville
Oh, KABLOOEY... a lovely scuzzy bar. You are a pal!
Donald, of course I'll keep my blog. I live for material to put up on here!
MA Fat Woman: Dollywood! Brilliant.
Connor and Hazel - love that picture. Hazel is so pretty that she doesn't even look real!
I am so excited about your trip you would think that I was coming along. You are living the dream... hit the open road, the world is your oyster (what the heck does that even mean?).. seriously though - the possibilities are endless and I am thrilled for you! And for all of us that read your blog - this is going to be a blast!
Best wishes to you!!! I'll be in Vegas on the 22nd. Hopefully you'll do as Julie says and come through Ohio...maybe then we can meet.
BTW you have such beautiful grandchildren. :-)
I LOVE that picture of Hazel!! What a cute little scowl...
OK...TOTALLY SHOCKED about you leaving Vegas!!! Guess if you are leaving your stuff in storage, you will be back...??? We will talk this Monday...
You said comment, suggestions, questions didn't you!!!??? Why are you leaving your stuff in storage....I don't think you will go back for a Very Long time!! Have it sent out!! Once you get those kids in your blood full timr you will not be able to leave them. You just should bundle up when you get cold.....sitting by a fire and reading is so wonderful. Yes, to Ashville, NC. Love the pic of the Grands!! That's all my advice for now!!
Oh my god I only just saw this... you CAN'T LEAVE VEGAS, we haven't got there yet!! I'm just kidding, have an amazing trip, can't wait to read about your adventures!
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