"Hi, Mommy," she says. "No news. I'm just calling to talk."
Poor Court.
This morning I got a text from her saying if it's not out by Tuesday (4/20) (ha!), they'll break her water, if she's dilated. That got me all pissed and like why the hell can't these damn doctors let nature take its course. Jesus H, Christopher was 12 days late and Courtney was 9 days late and they turned out perfectly fine.
Anyway, Courtney says it makes sense because they live an hour away from the hospital and Connor was a quick labor, and this way they'll have it more controlled and they won't have to worry about a roadside delivery.
Okay, then.
And so we wait...
Ugg, waiting is the hardest! I spent a full week in and out of the mall running up and down the stairs trying to start labor to no avail. But waiting too long to let them come on their own is no good either... Can't wait to hear the good news!
Love ya!
I LOVE babies!!! Fingers crossed it'll happen this weekend!
You're gonna be Granny to the 2nd power! (accounting humor)
Keeping my fingers crossed for a happy, healthy baby and an easy delivery for your daughter. Can't wait to hear the name and see pictures!
Jordan was 2 weeks late. They finally took him via c-section when they thought he weighed 11 1/2 lbs. LOL
C'mon Baby Rice!
this is such an exciting time!!!!!!! keep us posted!
Hang in there Mama...I hate it too when doctors want to hurry things along...Holding good thoughts for your girl...and new grand baby! So exciting! Mine will arrive the end of September.
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