7:00 am (all times PDT)
Got a text from Courtney at 2:30 this morning saying she was on her way to the hospital. Latest text at 6:15 says she's 3-4 centimeters.
Go, Courtney!
10:00 am
No further word. What did Tom Petty say? The waiting really is the hardest part!
12:15 pm
8 centimeters! Should be soon.
2:20 pm
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting... This is making me mental! (More than usual.)
2:45 pm
Just talked to Courtney...

Hazel Julia Rice was born at 5:15 EDT!
8 lbs., 12 oz.

HAZEL!!! I have a granddaughter named HAZEL!!!

I have a granddaughter! Oh, we all soooo wanted a girl!

Courtney's doing very well--natural childbirth, too. She and John are thrilled! Connor was on his way over to the hospital to check out his little sister with Uncle Chris and Aunt Ketti.
Oh, happy day! I'm off to Ross to buy pink, pink, PINK!!!
7:00 pm
Hazels's granny went shopping!

Thanks to everyone for your good wishes! I love you all!
Sending good thoughts and prayers! YAY For babies!
Congratulations to all of you! Sweet kisses to baby Hazel. Can't wait to see all of the pictures.
congrats grandma!
Hi Linda !!
Congratulations! I hope you get back there soon for baby cuddles. 12lb 8oz naturally ? She is a better woman than me :o lol
I'm glad you've re-enabled anon comments...I had about given up! I never got to tell you how much I enjoyed your book (as did my sister) and sorry I wasn't able to catch your show. I'll be in Vegas mid May. If you're around I'd like to meet you -- I think we have a couple extra tickets to some comedy dude at The Palms on the 15th. I'll e-mail you when I know more :)
Mazel Tov! You'll be the best grammie on Earth. Little Hazel is a lucky little GIRL!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats! Girls are wonderful, as you already know! I hope my little girl has a little girl someday.... but many years from now!!! :-) Way to go and I can't wait to see photos.
What wonderful news! Each birth is an example of true miracles every day. Cherish her!
And of course to the lucky parents and brother of Hazel...which I think is a cool name!! (My grand daughter's name is Eleanor!!)
Have fun shoppin'!!
Tracy from Chicago
Looks like she's got your spunk! Congrats Granny Linda! I look forward to tons of pics of Hazel!
I want to kiss those cheeks! What a doll - congratulations!
Congratulations!! What a little cupcake Hazel is!! How EXCITING!! So much fun to shop for little girls. Can't wait to see more pictures!
OMG, look at that chubby little face!!!!!!! She is just adorable!
(Is Court a Julia Roberts fan? You know her daughter's name is Hazel too....so with her being named Hazel Julia I just had to ask!)
OMG - she is adorable! Have fun grandma!
Beautiful name. She's precious! Love your shopping spree finds. There is so much cute girly stuff out there now. It'll be too hard to resist. Have fun.
All I can say is what a beatiful baby girl. Send my love to your daughter!
Wow, what fabulous news.
Perth WA :)
You are so lucky!! A girl...How exciting! You dif. have to move there now!!
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