Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Reporting from Gallup, NM on yesterday's adventures in Arizona

In a Best Western now in Gallup New Mexico. We pulled in about 11 o'clock last night after making it all the way across Arizona yesterday. That's not record speed--we took our time and made lots of new friends. After checking out the Mother Road Harley Davidson store in Kingman, we stumbled upon this watering hole.

Sure looks inviting...

I swear to God, this guy was reading How Math Can Save Your Life.

Look--Stiff made a friend! Yeah, that's some kind of giant lizard in there.

Back on the road.

We stopped at the Ash Fork visitor's center on Route 66. They had a cool little museum where I kicked ass in a quick game of poker.

As luck would have it, look what was right down the road.

Don't worry, Mom. It was totally safe.

I have a funny as hell story to tell you about this place, but I'll wait until the video uploads.

Here's Lori at our next stop.

This place is actually pretty far from the Grand Canyon, which is not on our itinerary. I figured out yesterday I've been to the south rim six times and north and west rims once each.

East of Flagstaff reminds me of Wyoming.

I guess it's pretty obvious what I'm doing here.

Today we're off to Albuquerque and then on to Santa Fe, where we'll be staying with one of my dearest friends from Albany. Her house is going to be awesome, I just know it.

Better get back on the road...


Rekaya Gibson said...

Linda, I like pictures of your adventure. Have a safe and enjoyable trip.

Anonymous said...

A Nymph on the road...there's gotta be a book in that. said...

So far you're staying out of trouble...that's a relief! :)

Keep the pictures coming!

Lorna said...

Love that you are taking time to smell the beer...uh roses. I can totally see how you kicked some poker butt (I mean, just look at those poker faces!).

Mandy said...

It's so great watching your roadie adventures! I bet you're so much fun to travel with! I wish you were heading down to Pensacola, FL or within an hour of my neck of the woods!

Donna B. said...

Oh man, I can just feel the trouble and your biker bars...

gayle said...

Loving seeing your trip through your eyes!