Saturday, May 28, 2011

Purgefest 2011

I've been organizing Linda Land today, going through my crap and throwing things out or giving them to Goodwill. I have everything pretty much under control, but could still get rid of a lot of stuff. 

Organizing is mentally draining, don't you think?  It's hard to decide just how deeply you want to cut.  I unloaded four boxes of books today that I know in real life I will probably never pick up again.  Clothes are harder for me to get rid of, especially the ones I like but no longer fit into.  It's hard to let go of the fantasy that I'm probably never going to weigh 130 again (which years ago was my "pig weight') (sigh), so they go in the pre-Goodwill bag for now.

Another dream I have to give up is organizing every single thing that I own.  There's always going to be a junk drawer and a couple of boxes of stuff that you just don't know what to do with, so you close the box and put it back in the closet.  These are the boxes that you're gonna move over and over again and then at some point you'll die and your kids will be stuck with them.

One of the books I opted to hold onto was this little gem.

You can't tell from the picture, but it's a little mini-book.  God knows where it came from, but there's nothing, and I mean nothing of value in there, not even from an entertainment standpoint. It's written by a man, but in my opinion, it's sexist as hell.  Vernon Howard wrote a lot of spiritual type of books, but this one...
#30:  BE INDEPENDENT.  Do you yearn to live your own life, to do what you really want to do?  It can be done, for the Higher View is a secret life.  You do what you really want because you really want to toss the mental junk out of your life and start fresh.  This independence is invisible, not physical.  You need not share it with a man unless he also wants to see beyond the ordinary.  Usually, he never notices anything beyond his dinner plate.
Yeah, the book is pretty worthless, so why did I hold on to it?  Just to see people's reactions when I pull it out in a public place.  Anything for a laugh, huh?

Hope you're all enjoying this Memorial Day weekend.  For a lot of us, this is the first three-day weekend since friggin' New Years.  That's so not right.

8 comments: said...

I need to start thinking about having a purgefest here too but not this weekend...this weekend, I plan to relax and enjoy. Hope you have a good one!

dle said...

I am having a major purgefest....retired from my job,packing up and moving in a week to a smaller house! Yikes

Anonymous said...

What is it about stuff that produces such a grip? There are simpler ways to go which reminds me of a long ago friend from college, Mike. Move-in weekend at the dorms. Families, boxes, furniture, the whole nine. Mike signed up for a 3 man room (cheapest) and walked in with a simple one-handled suitcase and a Petula Clark poster. In a matter of minutes the poster was on the wall, clothes hung in the closet, the empty suitcase slid under the bed. Oh, and a pronouncement to his new roommates "this is my bed, that's my poster, this is my space - keep your hands off my shit and we'll do just fine." Message sent, message received. Mike's major - law enforcement. I'm sure he's retired by now. Wonder what happened to the Pelula Clark poster?

Vegas Linda Lou said...

dle--Good luck! And yay for you for retiring!

Petula Clark--ha! Love it. But in all fairness, it's a lot easier for guys. I'd need a one-handed suitcase just for my cosmetics and jewelry.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Linda! I found you again. :)

gayle said...

This summer I need to do some major purging!! I have things I will never ever use!

Tara said...

I'll be purging this weekend in the form of a yard sale. Everything MUST go, no room for it. I'd like to say I'm nice and organized and all that, but lately things have gotten out of control. Time to take that control back and get rid of the dumb shit....

Julie D said...

I purged the crap out of some clothes. Probably send 100 pieces to Goodwill.

Books...oh how I need to purge books.

I also desperately need a visit to Lindaland.