Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Home, sweet freakin' home


What a wonderful sight to see!  Mike and I left last Friday afternoon and after three full days and four nights of sheer revelry with my sister Lori, brother-in-law Russ, and friends Donna, Dennis, and Jerry, I am exhausted!  Exhausted and fat--I can't bear to step on the scales tomorrow.  That is not going to be pretty.  Oh, but all the FUN was well worth it!  Plus, we walked miles and miles every day; that should count for something.

I have a ton of email and other stuff to catch up on--if I owe you something, you'll be hearing from me soon.  I also want to respond to the very thoughtful comments you left on Saturday's post.  I'm tired as hell right now, so I'll give you the full report on Thursday.  

So where did we go?  Here's a hint:

Still can't figure it out?  Oh, now I'm giving it away:

More to come...


raydenzel1 said...

I am guessing New Orleans

Debbie said...

OMG! New Oreleans?!?!?!

~Coach said...

Not hard to imagine you having sheer revelry... :)

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Did you go to the horse races? Either that or New Orleans.

Welcome home.