Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New article

Whew! After a crazy few days of traveling, I'm back in the comfort of my funky apartment. No flight delays--which is a miracle since my connection was in Philadelphia. My plane got in just before 11:00 last night and, like Cinderella, I was home at the stroke of midnight. It's now 6 a.m. and I have to be in my cubicle in an hour. I could cry; Cinderella definitely needs more than 5 hours of beauty sleep.

But hey--I want to tell you that my latest article posted today on Take a look--it's about my favorite kick-ass classic rock tribute band, Yellow Brick Road. And bonus: find out what could be the secret to a long-lasting relationship. Explore the site a while, too; it's full of interesting articles that give insight about what it's really like to live in Las Vegas.

Off to work I go. Weh.

2 comments: said...

Sounds like a really good band! Will they be playing when us girls get together?

Bar L. said...

You're back! With the glorious technology we have today it seems like you were never gone....

The band looks hot :)