I have to admit there’s an element of the yoga culture that annoys the hell out of me; I find it kind of snooty. And if you ever look through the yoga magazines—you know, the ones with the 105-pound models on the front—you’ll see from the ads that it’s a huge money-making industry. Everything costs a fortune—the special yoga apparel, the props, the yoga retreats, etc. It doesn’t have to, of course—all you need is comfortable clothes and a sticky mat from Walmart.

Last Wednesday night on our Internet radio show, Aging Nymphs, my sister Lori Biker and I did a show on “The Beer Drinker’s Guide to Yoga.” If you’ve always wondered about yoga, but figured it wasn’t for you, give a listen. You may be surprised. We talked about the types of things I just mentioned, plus you’ll get a good idea of what yoga is all about (from our perspectives, anyway). It’s a pretty good segment (I wouldn’t direct you to one that sucks) and parts of it are pretty funny. My sister and I sound a lot alike, though; it may take a while to distinguish one voice from the other. (I talk more and my accent’s probably a little heavier.)
You can listen to the show in one of two ways. On the right side bar of this site, scroll down to the Blog Talk Radio show listings and click on “The Beer Drinker’s Guide” show title under the RSS/profile/share icons. The show will start up in a few seconds and you’ll stay right on this page. Or, you can click here to go to the Blog Talk Radio site (you’ll leave this site, though).
So speaking of beer drinkin’, today I’m heading down to Laughlin, Nevada, for the River Run. It’s an annual motorcycle event that attracts thousands of bikers. I went last year and had a blast! Pictures on Tuesday, but in the meantime, here’s an oldie but goodie.

Enjoy your weekend!
Is that a yoga pose you are attempting in the photo? Sure looks like it...
The Blue Ridge Gal
My little sister keeps trying to get me to try yoga. I just can't bring myself to do it. maybe next time I come to Vegas you can show me some moves.
Ah so I guess the yoga explains the uber flexibiity? Great photo!
I will listen to the show on yoga...I'd listen to you every week but I have a prior commitment to Wednesdays :(
I know what you mean about yoga, I would never go to a class, I do it at home with a DVD. I'd be way too intimidated by the 105 snooty types.
Nice pose, Linda! If that doesn't turn on all the straight guys in America and half the "straight" women, then something's wrong somewhere! I think "Yoga for Beer Drinkers" is a publisher's dream. Work on that book, baby!
I'm a go and take a listen right now!!!
OMG, and I love that chocolate stout! It's the balls.
Tootally in agreement about the yoga cutlture becoming obnoxiously about everyone looking like Christy Freaking Turlington and wearing $80 leggings. I used to subscribe to Yoga Journal but found it just didn't apply to this wino-yogini over here.
Great yoga pose...I've never seen an accessory like that at any of my yoga classes.
I have become addicted to Hot Yoga. I never knew I could sweat so much.
My first visit here. I'll be back if I can get my legs uncrossed.
Girrrl you are funny as hell. If I asked very nicely and said pretty please would you write a review of my novel for me? It's audio book -- so you don't have to read much but the jacket. I'm certain you could do yoga while you listen to it -- although you might get tickled and lose your balance! Please think about it, and come back over to my blog and let me know. Thanks for the laughs, Marie
Hi Linda,
I love Yoga and had no idea that you were a certified instructor! Except for the whole "meat-loving" aspect of your philosophy, you'd be the perfect instructor for me (I'm vegetarian, but NOT vegan!).
Have a blast in Laughlin. I can't wait to see your photos.
Take care...
Cindy Mueller
OMG my dad lives in Laughlin!!! He works for the Riverside Casino. Just talked to him last night and he was talking about how the bikers are gone now and things should go back to normal. HA!!! I make it out there at least once a year. I really do love it there...strangly enough. Hope you had fun.
As for yoga...OMG I'm horrible at it!
Thank you for the Yoga info. Being a baby boomer that is no longer a size 4, I thought I had missed that window. It's good to know I can still give it a try.
Haha- I can just imagine it....
Get in your fucking downward dog pose, mother effers! The let's go have a beer....
Fat Tire, maybe? Mmmmmmm.
You look HOT on that bike. ;)
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