Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bellying up to the barre

It looks like I'm going to do something I've been wanting to do for a long time.  One of those things I always think about, but for some reason it just never came together.  I'm going to take ballet again.

You know how you have those moments in the cubicle where you think you're going to freakin' explode if you sit there one more minute and you're like, okay, what else can I look up on the Internet?  Well, yesterday I did some research on adult ballet classes and come to find out, there's a dance school that offers an adult beginner/intermediate class and it's right near our house.  I can take classes on a drop-in basis even, which is good for when I'm traveling.  Perfect.  No excuse.

So next Tuesday at 5:30 I'll be taking my first ballet class in almost 20 years.  I started ballet late in life; I was 12 when I took my first class.  I loved it, but I was too late for the party to do anything serious with it.  I continued to take classes on and off for many years--I think I was about 36 or so when I started to get away from ballet.  And then around when I turned 40, I got into yoga--a natural transition.

I still love yoga, but lately I'm itching to dance.  Part of me is like, jeez, I've never taken a ballet class with a 54-year-old body--what's that going to be like?  We'll see, won't we?  This will certainly be a challenge.  I'm psyched.

What have you been toying with in the back of your mind?  Do you think you'll really do it? What's holding you back?


Taradharma said...

I've wanted to try Tai Chi for several years....many excuses why I haven't. Knee problems mostly. Fear that I'll start it and stop it, like most improvement things I begin. See, now that just looks silly once I write it down. If I'm not enjoying it or getting benefit from it, I can stop doing it! What's the big deal?

Thanks for the question!

raydenzel1 said...

Oh, I can't wait for the moaning and groaning as those certain muscles get attention. Good luck!

Debbie said...

OMG. I studied ballet my entire life! It is sooooo hard BUT my body was amazing. I have also looked for adult ballet classes but I need to find one that will let you wear a moo-moo.


Bar L. said...

I know there's something but I can't think of it. I feel like my life took a detour a few years ago and I can't get back to where I want to be.

Mimi said...

what have I been toying with? Actually ballet!
i've never taken it, ever, but have decided ballet is IT as regards posture. Also I have a book of facial exercises written by a ballet teacher..apparently ballerinas don't get saggy necks! that alone is enough reason to take a class!

Vegas Linda Lou said...

@ Tara: Do it!!!

@ Mimi: Facial exercises written by a ballet teacher? Count me in! I need to do something about this sagging jaw line NOW!

Cousin Laurie said...

Awesome! You'll have a blast! I, too, started ballet at the ripe old age of 13, but I was already a bit too curvy. At 45 I started belly dancing...the perfect place for my voluptuous nose and ample bosom. ;-)