Can you believe all this freakin' snow? I am totally not a snow person, but I'm having such a good time here, I'm not even complaining. (I know! Can you imagine?)
Sunday was a great day to cozy up at home--we never even got out of our PJs. Courtney and John are wonderful hosts and Connor and I have enjoyed lots of high-quality bonding time doing stuff like watching clips of The Simpsons, Family Guy and What About Bob? on YouTube. Can I just tell you how proud I was the other night when Connor leaned over and whispered, "Granny, guess who my favorite actor is? Bill Murray." Way to make a grandmother proud!
We spent the rest of the day playing Rush Hour, a game with all these little plastic cars that you have to move out of a traffic jam. I'm not the most patient person on earth--I'm afraid Connor may now have some colorful new words in his vocabulary--but when I finally manage to free the red car, I throw my hands in the air as if "We Are the Champions" is playing over a nationwide P.A. system. Maybe I should give that X-Box a try after all.
Yesterday I went into Albany and had dinner with my dear friend, Joan, who now lives in Santa Fe.
You can't tell from this picture, but yesterday I had one of the gayest hair days ever. I never have a good hair day, but yesterday... every time I looked in the mirror, I was like, WTF???
I don't know if it's the Rensselaerville water or what, and yesterday I had a shitty hair day, a fat day, and a weird face day all at once. I was like, I can't believe I actually have a freakin' boyfriend! Thank God Mike wasn't around to see that because he'd probably want to break up with me and I'd be like, "Dude, I can't believe you're with me in the first place!" Jesus H. I haven't showered yet this morning, but fingers crossed... my self-esteem can handle only so much! Anyway, tomorrow night I have my book signing and if I'm wearing a hat in the pictures I post on Thursday, you'll know why.
Until then, here's my little snow angel.
Yeah, a hat... brilliant idea!
Glad you're enjoying your family time Linda :)
Great pix, Linda! I especially like the one showing the distance to Panama. Tell me, is that a well-traveled route? In Rensselaerville, do they call it the Panama Trail? Or is Rensselaerville a funnel for illicit cash making its way into Panamanian banks.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Linda Lou! Great pictures!
Looks like you're having a great time!!! How much longer will you be in Awbenny?
Having a fantastic time! I leave New Year's Day--back to Vegas and reality! (Whoever thought Vegas could be reality?)
I know how much you were lovin being with your grandson!!
Your pics and you are cute!!
Good Day im new here. I came upon this forum I have found It incredibly useful & its helped me a great deal. I hope to contribute and aid other people like it has helped me.
Thank You, Catch You Later
Whats's Up i'm fresh here. I stumbled upon this message board I have found It amply accommodating and it's helped me out a great deal. I should be able to contribute & aid other users like its helped me.
Thanks Everyone, Catch You Later.
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